The Harmonic Egg® is a wooden resonance chamber, originating from the USA, that uses light, sound, frequency, vibration and Sacred Geometry. This allows for more balance on a physical, mental and emotional level and promotes well-being. The self-healing ability is stimulated because the body can come to rest.
The Harmonic Egg® is for everyone, from young (baby) to old, there are really no exceptions. It is also a very good application for pregnant women.
Each session in the Egg itself lasts 50 minutes. For 40 minutes there is music and afterwards there is 10 minutes of light and silence. This silence helps you integrate the music and light better. The total session lasts 75 minutes, so we can have a little conversation both before and after the session.
Everybody is different. So it really depends on the individual. Please discuss this with your practitioner after the session. Most people need 3-10 sessions to achieve good results. We have 3 Packs and 10 Packs available. After you achieve the desired results, it is recommended to schedule monthly maintenance sessions.
Wear comfortable clothing preferably of natural materials, as synthetic clothing blocks some of the energy flow. Jewelry and shoes are taken off before the session. We also ask that you turn off your phone so that you cannot be disturbed. We provide comfortable blankets to keep you fully relaxed, warm and comfortable during your session.
First of all, we recommend not undergoing any other form of therapy for 5 -7 days prior to and 5 -7 days after the scheduled session. Other forms of energetic work could be e.g. acupuncture, Reiki or massage. Each form of therapy needs its time to integrate.
It is a good idea to increase your water intake for several days after your session because your body will detoxify. The extra water is needed to flush out the toxins. We recommend drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily for 5 - 7 days after the session. If possible, you should also drink electrolytes during this period. These can be obtained from us if necessary.
If you have claustrophobia or don't like being in an enclosed space, we can leave the door of the Harmonic Egg® slightly open, however you like. You will still receive the wonderful benefits of it. If you do decide to close the door and afterwards you change your mind, there is a walkie-talkie in the right side pocket of the chair. Press the call button on the walkie-talkie and we will immediately arrive to open the door. The purpose of the Harmonic Egg® is to provide relaxation, so we do everything we can to make it so.
The lights (top and bottom) remain the same color throughout the session. We determine the colors of the lights based on your reason for visiting.
Usually people feel very relaxed after their Harmonic Egg® session and have a wonderful night's sleep. Some people tell us they are stimulated and really focused after their sessions. It is different for everyone. A session takes 5 - 7 days to integrate, so it can also sometimes take a little longer to feel something.
Music has long been known to have therapeutic properties. Some of the music used in the Harmonic Egg® was created and produced exclusively for use in the Harmonic Egg®.
• Piano may be used to bring the nervous system into balance.
• Drumming may build the immune system and is highly effective for Parkinson’s, MS and other immune system conditions.
• Flute may be used for anger issues, gout, sciatica, insomnia.
• Bells may bring the heart chakra into balance. Bells may also be used for high blood pressure, asthma, apnea, heart and lung problems, breast cancer, allergies, fear of intimacy, low vital energy, adrenal fatigue.
• Harp may be used for depression.
• Violin may be used for tumors.
• Nature sounds may work on the DNA.
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